The Annual Meeting of the
American Educational Research Association is being held April 7 - 11 in San Francisco. The sessions sponsored by the
Rural Education Special Interest Group are listed below. Users can do an online search of the
program to find additional rural education sessions. Check the program for the most up to date information.
Saturday, April 8, 9:05am - 9:45am
Paper Discussion Session
Rural Education SIG
Moscone Center West / 3rd Floor
Rountable 24Abstract: These papers center on the roleof identity formation in students' ways of life and interpretation of their learning world.
Session Participants:Chair: David M. Callejo-Perez (West Virginia University)
Discussant: Kalie R. Kossar (West Virginia University)
Gender, Family Help, and Homework Management Reported by Rural Middle-School Students. Jianzhong Xu (Mississippi State University), Lyn Corno (Teachers College, Columbia University)
Patterns of Adjustment During the Transition From Middle to High School in Rural African-American Youth. Dylan Robertson (Center for Developmental Science), Tom Farmer (The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Matthew J. Irvin (The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Jana Thompson (Center for Developmental Science)
Spatial and Sociodemographic Patterns of Student Mobility. Kai A. Schafft (The Pennsylvania State University)
Student-Led Rural Community Dialogues: Discovering and Reinventing Students’ Place.Matthew C. Calvert (University of Wisconsin-Extension), Cynthia Taines (University of Wisconsin - Madison)
The Mystery of Size: School-District Size, Curriculum Offerings, and Student Achievement in Rural Pennsylvania. Yi Gong (Keene State College), Wenfan Yan (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
Full Circle: A Case Study of the Consolidation, Closing, Restoration, and Reopening of Barnardsville Elementary School. Gail D. Buckner (Western Carolina University), Mary Jean R. Herzog (Western Carolina University)
An Inquiry Into Achievement Differences: Traditional and Virtual High-School Courses.Dennis M. Mulcahy (Memorial University of Newfoundland), Michael Kristopher Barbour (The University of Georgia)
Monday, April 10, 8:15am - 10:15am
Research on Rural Education: Multiple Perspectives in the United States and Abroad
Rural Education SIG
Moscone Center South / Mezzanine Level East, Room 222
Abstract: This session combines papers dealing with research on rural education in the US and abroad; creating possibilities for comparative studies in education.
Session Participants:Chair: Edmund T. Hamann (University of Nebraska)
Discussant: Aimee A. Howley (Ohio University)
Analysis of Distance Education Use in Rural Schools. Wallace Hannum (The University of North Carolina), Tom Farmer (The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), William R. Veal (College of Charleston), Jim Barber (The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Jonathan Banks (The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill), Michelle Sylva (The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill)
Mix and Match or Mismatch: High-Ability Students and Rural Schools in an Australian Context. Margaret M. Plunkett (Monash University-Gippsland), Monique Y. Osborn (Monash University)
School of the Air in Australia: From Radio to Satellite. Stephen J. Crump (University of Newcastle)
School Size and the “Power Rating” of Poverty: Substantive Finding or Statistical Artifact? Theodore Coladarci (The University of Maine)
The Influence of Rurality on Teachers' Perceptions of Their Status in English Elementary Schools. Linda M. Hargreaves (Cambridge University), Anthony Pell (Leicester University)
Monday, April 10: 4:05pm - 6:05pm
Rural Education: Rethinking the Possibilities Remove from My Schedule
SIG-Rural Education
Moscone Center South / Mezzanine Level East, Room 224Abstract: This paper session seeks to expand research about rural education by examining issues and problems (diversity and gender identity) not usually associated with rural communities.
Session Participants:Chair: Shana Pate (North Texas State University)
Discussant: Sharon L. Spall (Western Kentucky University)
What Can I Learn From Rural Black Family Pedagogy? Sherick A. Hughes (The University of Toledo)
Saving the Children of the Poor in Rural Schools. Aimee A. Howley (Ohio University), Caitlin Howley (AEL, Inc.), Craig B. Howley (Ohio University)
The Development of Secondary-School/Community Partnerships for a College-Going Culture in Diverse, Rural Schools: What Matters? Betty Alford (Stephen F. Austin State University), Peggy B. Gill (The University of Texas at Tyler)
What Makes Effective Rural School Teachers? Andrea M. Lachance (The State University of New York-Cortland)
Teacher Resources in High-Need Rural Schools in Texas. Debra H. Jones (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory), Celeste Alexander (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory), Michael Vaden-Kiernan (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory), Zena H. Rudo (Southwest Educational Development Laboratory)